Our Mission

Is to create a family of education gurus who can assist us on our journey to make education more accessible to everyone.To transform the dynamics of how candidates are referred abroad and educate and inspire them in the process.

About Us


Refrly is the new age of referring candidates abroad. We are the digital bridge between the candidate and their aspiring placement or study abroad.

Providing the path to the most prestigious universities and a wealth of experience and knowledge to guide our candidates and support our counselors each step of the way.

We listened to the needs counselors and the short falls felt by them from a market based on exploitation. Refrly was created to fill these gaps redefining how counselors work, earn and Refer. Sharing the proceeds fairly in the process.

Our management team holds over half a century of industry experience with the south India Head of AAERI at the helm of Refrly our reputation precedes us.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. We're here to change your world and the candidates we place from your referrals.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Refrly team. You really deserve it!

Our Team Members

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